15 Interesting Things You Need To Know About Dartmouth!

Dartmouth is often misunderstood. Long known as the ‘Dark Side,’ Dartmouthians are rather embracing their community and taking pride in that very nickname. It is also increasingly gaining traction as an emerging lively neighbourhood. We are happy that we are part of the movement helping shape the present and future of our ever-evolving community.
So, what’s a better way to share our love for Dartmouth than sharing interesting information on it that you would want to pass on to your family, friends and neighbours?
We compiled a list of unexpected, cool and interesting information about Dartmouth. So, are you ready to learn all about Dartmouth from a song inspired by the now nonexistent MicMac Rotary to some of its celebrity residents?
- “MicMac Rotary Blues” released by Bryson-Lysen in 1982 was inspired by the now-nonexistent Dartmouth’s MicMac Rotary. The Halifax-Dartmouth ferry service is the oldest continually operational saltwater ferry service in North America!
- The ferry connecting Halifax and Dartmouth is the oldest saltwater ferry in North America that is still operational till today!
- When locals say the “New Bridge,” they’re referring to the MacKay Bridge even though it was built in 1970!
- The Macdonald Bridge is 60 years old this year. Getting close to pension age, eh?
- The McDonalds, next to the bridge, in Dartmouth was every 90s kid favorite McDonalds. Why is that? It was the first one with a HUGE playground.
- Between Sidney Crosby and Nathan McKinnon, there’s no question that Dartmouth is Hockey country!
- Dartmouth-born Jason Eisener directed Hobo with a Shotgun, the popular 2011-action film based on the winning trailer of Quentin Tarantino’s movie!
- The Penhorn Mall flea market was the place to be back in the 1990s! For kids who grew up in Dartmouth, it built its legacy as the place to buy pogs and baseball cards.
- The #1 battle rapper in the entire world, Pat Stay, lives in Dartmouth. He even got the stamp of approval from Drake himself who has publicly said he’s the best in his field!
- Dartmouth had a youth-elected Junior Council in the 1960s that met occasionally with Mayor Joe Zatzman at the time!
- After the Halifax Explosion, Private Guy Hunter Dillman became a hero to many Dartmouth residents as he helped many of the injured before attending to his own injuries!
- Dartmouth is home to Joel Plaskett’s recording studio. The nationally loved indie rock musician lives in Dartmouth and often writes songs with references to his hometown.
- Home to several Canadian Forces installations, Dartmouth houses the air force base CFB Shearwater which began hosting airshows following Labour Day in the 1970s!
- Ruby Keeler, a beloved Hollywood actresses/singer in the 1930s, was born in Dartmouth way back in 1910!
- The internationally known cult-hit show Trailer Park Boys is set in Dartmouth in the fictional Sunnyvale Trailer Park. Actor Robb Wells lives in Dartmouth in real life!
What other interesting things about Dartmouth that you know about? We would love to hear from you. Let us know in the comments or on Twitter and pass along your local knowledge!
Also, if any of this cool knowledge inspired you to want to live in Dartmouth, you might be interested in being part of the King’s Wharf community so check out the condos at the Killick or download The Killick Floor Plans.